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EnsadLab, the research laboratory of the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.



Research: an international profile

The various global rankings of institutions of higher education and universities have stirred up much debate and show the extent to which research has become a key activity. Research in art and design—a field that has emerged over the last decade—will also become of major importance internationally. We must prepare the new generation of designers and artists by offering them specific training.
To address this need, the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs has developed an ambitious research program, creating as early as 2007 its own research laboratory, EnsadLab, which includes seven research programs (directed by the School's professors, along with approximately 50 renowned outside contributors and 50 student-researchers, including doctoral students).
This activity is an extension of the School's educational program. It enables student-researchers to acquire extra skills for exploring new methodologies, to test original hypotheses, to learn to work with scientists, and to propose solutions to various contemporary problems—i.e., to invent new relational, technological, aesthetic, and social forms.
While this research takes place here at EnsadLab, in relation with its network of partners, it is presented and diffused beyond the school through events, exhibitions, or symposiums. Training in research is also learning how to present and compare one's results with a community of researchers. EnsadLab is thus not only a place where research is conducted with appropriate resources; it is also a label guaranteeing a serious research approach that has already been recognized in research circles.


EnsadLab team and contacts

Emmanuel Mahé, Head of Research
Catherine Renoux, Assistant Head of Research
Christophe Pornay, Head Technician, EnsadLab
15 École des Arts Déco instructors (contact details in the program presentations)
50 student-researchers: École des Arts Déco students (including scholarship students), doctoral students, and post-doctoral students
Approximately 50 regular contributors: artists, designers, scientists, and experts.

Member of one "IDEX" and two "LABEX"

"Initiatives of Excellence" (IDEX) are French scientific research projects "encouraging the emergence of five to ten world-class and multidisciplinary centers of excellence in higher-education and research."
"Laboratories of Excellence" (LABEX) are instruments of the French government's "Investments for the Future" program, designed to support team research on given scientific subjects.

"PSL Research University" (Paris Sciences et Lettres) IDEX


Paris Sciences et Lettres aims to quickly become one of the most remarkable universities in the world, with a strong international presence and a shared signature for its publications. PSL brings together 20 institutions of higher education and research located in Paris and the greater Paris area (the École Normale Supérieure, the Collège de France, the École de chimie, EPSCI, the École des Arts Déco, and others). They cover every academic field, from astrophysics to artistic creation, from math to classics.

"ICCA" (Cultural Industries and Artistic, Digital, and Internet Creation) LABEX


This LABEX is a laboratory for ideas at the heart of the culture, knowledge, and artistic creation industries. It brings together the labs of Université Paris 13 (LabSIC, the Centre d’Économie Paris Nord, the Laboratoire de Droit et de Sciences de l’Education), Université Paris 3 (with the Institut de recherche sur le cinéma et l’audiovisuel and the Centre d’Étude sur les images et les sons médiatiques), Université Paris 5 (with the Centre de recherches sur les liens sociaux), as well as the École des Arts Déco.

"ARTS-H2H" (Arts and Human Mediations) LABEX

This LABEX coordinates research in the arts (cinema, visual arts, music, theater, dance, literature, photography, etc.), in the cognitive sciences, and in human mediations. This consortium includes 14 partners, including the École des Arts Déco, Université Paris 8, the Centre Pompidou, the French National Library, the French National Archives, Universcience, the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais, the Centre Pompidou Metz, the Centre national des écritures du spectacle de la Chartreuse.