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1st year

All of the students accepted to the School after the 1st-year competitive entrance examination follow the same curriculum during the first year. It is a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary year that enables students to acquire the theoretical, technical, and methodological bases common to all departments of the School.



Overall objectives

The first year brings together all the students accepted to the School after the competitive entrance examination.
This is a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary year that enables the students to acquire the theoretical, technical, and methodological bases that are common to all departments of the School.
Classes alternate between theory and practice and are all mandatory.
Each course is allocated ECTS credits. To validate their year and be able to continue the degree course, each student must obtain 60 ECTS.
Students are not allowed to repeat the first year.
The students are divided into four groups. Each group has an assigned classroom. The academic year is divided into 3 sections over 2 semesters.
How it works

Section 1 > Looking and perceiving
Principle: a series of exercises on a theme determined by the body of instructors associated with each group.
The theme is drawn from current happenings; these can include exhibitions, cultural events, current events, innovations, etc.
Goal: to stimulate ways of seeing and perceiving by seeking ways to translate these creatively into different mediums.

Section 2 > Representing: acquiring conceptual, technical, practical, and methodological tools
Principle: weekly classes alternating with technical workshops
Length: 23 weeks
Goal: learning about tools, knowledge, and methods

Section 3 > Expressing and planning: theme-summary projects
"Project Workshops"
Principle: workshop jointly supervised by the 1st-year professors, divided over 5 themes
Goal: initial approach to developing projects. After a close and detailed analysis of the context, students imagine, propose, and produce a graphic arts project.