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6 research programs

EnsadLab combines research and training. It is made up of six research programs that cover fields of design as well as art: graphics and typography; service, object, or spatial design; interactive systems; virtual spaces; new materials; and mobility.



The EnsadLab Research Programs

The research programs are directed by professor-researchers, professors, and professionals with a high level of expertise. Each program includes French and foreign student-researchers selected by the school and who already have a Master's degree or equivalent. Some are already enrolled in doctoral programs, more often than not with EnsadLab's partner research institutions (50 student-researchers and 20 professors, researchers, and renowned professionals).
For each of these programs, the school is developing public or private partnerships with universities, institutions of higher education (grandes écoles), businesses, and research laboratories.


1. "DESIDEH" Research Program
Design, Symbioses, and Interactions in Inhabited Spaces

2. "DiiP" Research Program
Interactive and Performative Systems

3. "DIVES" Research Program
Information Design, city and society

4. "EN-ER" Research Program
Digital Space – Extension of Reality

5. "IDM / Sociable Media" Research Program
Mobile Identities – Stimulating sensitivity, creativity, autonomy, and empathy

6. "SAIL" Research Program
Sciences and Arts of Light-Matter-Color Interactions