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Cross-disciplinary teaching

Cross-disciplinary and fundamental instruction are the backbone of the training provided by all 10 departments at the School.



Three categories of cross-disciplinary teaching

Three categories of cross-disciplinary teaching are interrelated with knowledge of creation, society, and techniques.
    1. Knowledge related to creation springs from teaching of the "basics" in the visual-arts, scientific, and technical fields. It involves an approach of learning, conception, and production, and makes possible the acquisition of notions that are peculiar to each discipline. Here, instruction in expressive processes is provided: drawing, visual-arts expression, geometry, perspective, color, light, materials, graphics, and information technology.
    2. Knowledge related to society includes instruction in the humanities and in the history of art and civilizations, as well as learning a modern language: English for the French students, and French for the foreign students on a study-abroad program. Beginning in the 4th year, the cross-disciplinary instruction turns toward more specific subjects, such as the methodology of thesis-writing and training in law, etc.
    3. Knowledge related to techniques includes the use of the object, the use of materials, and learning to use computer tools. Instruction here is based on the choices and needs of the students with regard to their specialization.

These three categories of cross-disciplinary teaching interact throughout the degree course.

Teaching the basics throughout the course of study

Instruction in the basics starts in the 1st year; more in-depth study follows throughout the degree course, in relation with the chosen specialization.
From the 1st to the 3rd year, the basics are taught to provide the knowledge required to develop a creation project.
From the 4th year, they are gradually incorporated by the future creator and used in his or her projects.